#329 Preventive Genomic Medicine: Saving Lives and Healthcare Costs with MyOme
How can preventive genomic medicine save $200 billion annually in healthcare costs? Dr. Matthew Rabinowitz breaks it down in this episode.
Dr. Rabinowitz—a true pioneer in genetics, diagnostics, and AI—who’s been at the forefront of transforming how we approach health and medicine. Dr. Rabinowitz isn’t just a scientist; he’s a visionary who’s helped create groundbreaking technologies, from revolutionizing pregnancy care to tracking cancer through blood tests. In 2024, he was named R&D Leader of the Year by R&D World. Now, he’s tackling preventative genomic medicine, showing us how tools like whole genome sequencing (WGS) and polygenic risk scores (PRS) are turning healthcare from reactive to proactive.
Dr. Rabinowitz is the co-founder and Executive Chairman of MyOme and has played a key role in developing cutting-edge genomic technologies. His work has shaped the fields of reproductive genetics, cancer diagnostics, and precision medicine. With over 100 patents and publications, including papers in Science and Nature, his impact on healthcare is undeniable.
Topics Covered:
How whole genome sequencing (WGS) is reshaping healthcare and risk assessment
The power of polygenic risk scores (PRS) in cancer prevention and early detection
MyOme’s Breast Cancer Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) and its implications for proactive medicine
The economic benefits of genomic medicine in early intervention and disease prevention include potentially saving $200 billion annually in healthcare costs
Ethical considerations and the importance of inclusivity in genomic research
The future of preventive genomic medicine—will WGS become standard care? Will it start with newborns?
Resources and Links:
Learn more about MyOme and its work in preventive genomic medicine: myome.com
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