Episode drop of It Happened To Me with parents of a child with Bardet Biedl Syndrome, a rare disease affecting vision, obesity, extra fingers/toes and other symptoms.
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Episode drop of It Happened To Me with parents of a child with Bardet Biedl Syndrome, a rare disease affecting vision, obesity, extra fingers/toes and other symptoms.
Rare disease advocate, Felicia Morton, and genetic counselor, Torry Howell, join us to talk about inborn errors of immunity including chronic granulomatous disease.
DNA Today’s Communication Lead, Corinne Merlino, shares about her rare congenital birth defect that affects craniofacial development and how it influenced her to become a genetic counselor.
Drs. Anjali Shastri and Ruth Tennen, of 23andMe, explore an important issue in healthcare, diversifying genetic research with a focus on sickle cell disease.
Genetic counselors, John Zimmerman and Daniel Riconda, explore the experience of being males in the field.
Researchers, Dr. Aimée Dudley and Dr. Andrea Gropman, and patient advocate, Tresa Warner, discuss the most common urea cycle disorder.
Advice focused on the personal statement of the on genetic counseling program applications. Featuring incoming grad students Corinne Merlino and Maya Patel, recorded in NBC’s Stamford Studios!
Advice on genetic counseling program applications with incoming grad students Corinne Merlino and Maya Patel, recorded in NBC’s Stamford Studios!
Step into our time machine to the genetic counseling field in the 70s with Virginia Corson.
Pride month discussion with genetic counselors Dr. Jehannine Austin, Andy Cantor Katie Gallagher, Jo Giblin, and Kira Dineen.
Sneha Dave, Founder and Executive Director of Generation Patient, discusses her experience as a young adult patient advocate for ulcerative colitis.
Genetic Counselor Janice Berliner shares about her second genetics novel, “In Good Conscience”.
Genetic testing secondary findings and a study exploring what they mean for the patients who receive them. Learn more in this 30 minute podcast episode with a patient advocate and an expert from the NIH.
Australian cancer genetic counselor, Michelle Bowman discusses utilizing digital tools to reach patients who can benefit from cancer genetic counseling.
Genetic Counselor Susan Hanh shares new risk assessment advances like Quests tests and Patient Advocate Rebecca Chopp shares about her diagnosis and experience.
Genetic Counselors, Ed Kloza and Ann Platt Walker, discuss the formation of the American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC) in this 30 minute podcast episode.